Patit-Pavan Mandir in Ratnagiri

Patit Pavan Mandir is in Ratnagiri city. Tourists can reach there by walking or taking auto.

Swatantrya Veer Vinayak Damodar alias Tatyarao Savarkar, after undergoing 13 1/2 years rigorous imprisonment in Andaman cellular jail for his patriotism, was conditionally released in 1924 by British Government. However, Savarkar was interned within Ratnagiri District under political restraints. Savarkar welcomed this order of his conditional release confidently and with cool head, exclaiming; 'so long as I have my intellect, speech and pen at my command, no restriction can deter me from the cherished mission of my life' During his Ratnagiri stay of 13 1/2 years, Tatyarao Savarkar, transformed his confidence in to a social revolution.

Savarkar firmly believed and propagated that no person is either depressed, untouchable or 'Patit' by birth. However, he experienced a strong mental frame of Hindu community favouring ill-belief of untouchability. Hence, he tried his best to inculcate in the minds of people a concept that even a person under such misbelief can be re-admitted to the main stream of Hindu society by enriching a belief in him that all Hindus are equal, and every Hindu person can reach and preach God with equal rights and status like those of others.

Taking into consideration the engagedness of heart and devout feelings of Hindu Society in temple, Savarkar wisely chose temple, as a medium for his social movement. It was at the instance of Veer Savarkar that Shriman Bhagoji Sheth Keer, a kind hearted and generous businessman of Ratnagiri belonging to Bhandari community, built this temple in 1931. Installation ceremony, called 'Pranpratishtha Vidhi', was performed on February 22nd 1931, in a huge gathering of entire Hindu -community. Though his temple, Savarkar successfully organized many a nation-wide movement to bring about vigour and homogeneity in Hindu Society. This temple, known as Patit-Pavan Mandir was the first of the concrete results of his gigantic efforts.

This temple offered an unrestricted right to any member of Hindu community, irrespective of his caste or sub -caste, to enter in the very adytum of the temple and to worship the idols of Laxmi Narayana. This temple is known, not by the names of idols in the temple but, by the name 'Patit-Pavan', given by Savarkar himself, depicting the object behind the temple. It is by virtue of this peculiarity that this temple acclaims the first of its kind in India, and so, is known National Pilgrim Centre of Social Equality. more info at

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